Date of latest update: 2022-05-05


Description (FR): Read more
Description (EN): Read more
Description (DE): Read more
Expected Results (EN): RI4 Resource productivity

Thematic information

Specific Objective: Increased resource efficiency of SMEs
Thematic Objective: (03) enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs by:
Investment Priority: (03a) promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators

Partners (9)

Lead Partner: WaterstofNet vzw

Department: Hydrogen projects

Address: Automotive Campus 30, 5708JZ Helmond, Netherlands

Legal status: private


Total budget: EUR 103 412.70

ERDF budget: EUR 51 706.35

POM Limburg

Name: POM Limburg

Department: Sector Energy

Address: Kempische Steenweg 303, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 199 633.83

ERDF budget: EUR 99 816.92

Universiteit Hasselt

Name: Universiteit Hasselt

Department: --

Address: Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt, Belgium

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 79 409.30

ERDF budget: EUR 39 704.65

WaterstofCoalitie Limburg

Name: WaterstofCoalitie Limburg

Department: ---

Address: Postbus 470, 5900 AL Venlo, Netherlands

Legal status: private


Total budget: EUR 108 218.48

ERDF budget: EUR 54 109.24


Name: LIOF

Department: Business Development

Address: Wim Duisenbergplantsoen 27, 6221 SE Maastricht, Netherlands

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 129 646.08

ERDF budget: EUR 64 823.04

Cluster TWEED

Name: Cluster TWEED

Department: --

Address: Clos Chanmurly 13, 4000 Liège, Belgium

Legal status: private


Total budget: EUR 136 181.91

ERDF budget: EUR 68 090.96


Name: SPI

Department: --

Address: Rue du Verbois 11, 4000 Liege, Belgium

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 118 766.30

ERDF budget: EUR 59 383.15

Industie- und Handelskammer Aachen

Name: Industie- und Handelskammer Aachen

Department: Innovation, Environment, Location

Address: Theaterstrasse 6-10, 52062 Aachen, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 99 026.70

ERDF budget: EUR 49 513.35

Stadt Aachen

Name: Stadt Aachen

Department: Department for Economics, Science, Digitalization and Europe

Address: Johannes-Paul-II-Str. 1, 52058 Aachen, Germany

Legal status: public


Total budget: EUR 90 770.86

ERDF budget: EUR 45 385.43

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Universiteit Hasselt

EMR Hydrogen Booster

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Hydrogen Coalition Limburg

EMR Hydrogen Booster

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Chamber of Industry and Commerce Aachen

EMR Hydrogen Booster

Partners and Projects info
City of Aachen

EMR Hydrogen Booster

Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (EN): EMR Hydrogen Booster

Project acronym: EMR H2 Booster

Project start date: 2022-01-01

Project end date: 2023-06-30

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 1 065 066.15

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 532 533.08

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 532 533.08.

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2014 - 2020 INTERREG V-A Belgium - Germany - The Netherlands Euregio Meuse-Rhin / Euregio Maas-Rijn / Euregio Maas-Rhein

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

65 / 65 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

500 / 514 (97.28%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Data of two projects (EMfloodResilience and MARHETAK) was retrieved by Interact from the programme´s website on the 2024-02-28. Regarding partners only data only main partners is available. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (, or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-11-04, 2023-01-10 and 2024-03-07. Fields project name (from 14 projects) translated from French, German, and Dutch into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.

The projects which fields include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: EMRLingua, EMRWINE, euPrevent SNA, euPrevent-SFC, FUNFORLAB, GAR 4.0, GYM-Generate Your Muscle, Healthy Aging, i2-CoRT, IDZ-UDZ, MOBI, RANDO-M, Terra Mosana and Wohnmonitor EMR.

The financial data featured in for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.