Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe

Programme 2021 - 2027 Interreg VI-B Central Europe
Date of latest update: 2024-10-16


Description (EN): Read more
Actual Achievements (EN): Read more
Project outputs: Joint Strategy for Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe(EN)
Community Climate Resilience Missions cooperating across borders(EN)
Climate resilience pilot projects implemented in partner territories(EN)
Climate resilience solutions for CE communities(EN)
Digital Climate Resilience Solution for Communities(EN)
Testing the feasibility of introduction of climate-change digital monitoring solution (EN)

Thematic information

Priority: (VI-B_CE_2) Cooperating for a greener central Europe

Priority specific objective: RSO2.4. Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches

Priority policy objective (Interreg specific objective): PO2 A greener, low-carbon transitioning towards a net zero carbon economy and resilient Europe by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and management, and sustainable urban mobility

Type of intervention: 060 Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention and management of climate related risks: others, e.g. storms and drought (including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems, infrastructures and ecosystem based approaches)

Partners (12)

Lead Partner: E-zavod, Zavod za projektno svetovanje, raziskovanje in celovite razvojne rešitve

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 965338472

Partner’s ID if not PIC: SI46683518

Address: Čučkova ulica, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenia

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations


Total budget: EUR 214 620.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 171 696.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 42 924.00

krumedia GmbH

Name: krumedia GmbH

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 910473332

Partner’s ID if not PIC: DE204437524

Address: Rommelstraße, 76227 Karlsruhe, Germany

Legal status: private

Organisation type: SME


Total budget: EUR 322 000.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 257 600.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 64 400.00

Mestna občina Maribor

Name: Mestna občina Maribor

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 984134259

Partner’s ID if not PIC: SI12709590

Address: Ulica heroja Staneta, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Local public authority


Total budget: EUR 116 230.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 92 984.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 23 246.00

Regionalna razvojna agencija za Podravje - Maribor

Name: Regionalna razvojna agencija za Podravje - Maribor

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999891812

Partner’s ID if not PIC: SI33925950

Address: Pobreška cesta, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations


Total budget: EUR 118 196.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 94 556.80

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 23 639.20


  • Name: UL, Biotehniška fakulteta
    VAT registration or tax identification number: SI94761795
  • Name: Zavod KSSENA
    VAT registration or tax identification number: SI58743359
  • Name: HIša kruha
    VAT registration or tax identification number: SI33707693
Splitsko-dalmatinska županija

Name: Splitsko-dalmatinska županija

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 996539201

Partner’s ID if not PIC: HR40781519492

Address: Domovinskog rata, 21000 Split, Croatia

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Regional public authority


Total budget: EUR 158 200.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 126 560.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 31 640.00

Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar

Name: Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999570063

Partner’s ID if not PIC: HR43980170614

Address: Savska cesta, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations


Total budget: EUR 177 100.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 141 680.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 35 420.00

Città di Lignano Sabbiadoro

Name: Città di Lignano Sabbiadoro

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 000000000

Partner’s ID if not PIC: IT00163880305

Address: Viale Europa, 33054 Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Local public authority


Total budget: EUR 100 000.87

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 80 000.69

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 20 000.18

Agenzia Per l’Energia del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Name: Agenzia Per l’Energia del Friuli Venezia Giulia

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 930203520

Partner’s ID if not PIC: IT02517490302

Address: Via Santa Lucia, 33013 Gemona del Friuli, Italy

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Sectoral agency


Total budget: EUR 245 000.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 196 000.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 49 000.00

Mesto Košice

Name: Mesto Košice

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 938386731

Partner’s ID if not PIC: SK2021186904

Address: Trieda SNP , 04011 Košice, Slovakia

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Local public authority


Total budget: EUR 156 800.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 125 440.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 31 360.00

Technická univerzita v Košiciach

Name: Technická univerzita v Košiciach

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999839238

Partner’s ID if not PIC: SK2020486710

Address: Letna, 04200 Kosice, Slovakia

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations


Total budget: EUR 182 700.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 146 160.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 36 540.00

Stadt Dornbirn

Name: Stadt Dornbirn

Partner’s ID if not PIC: ATU36832709

Address: Rathausplatz, 6850 Dornbirn, Austria

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Local public authority


Total budget: EUR 99 820.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 79 856.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 19 964.00

Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbH

Name: Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbH

Department: Research Centre Business Informatics

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999660855

Partner’s ID if not PIC: ATU38076103

Address: Hochschulstraße, 6850 Dornbirn, Austria

Department address: Hochschulstraße, 6850 Dornbirn, Austria

Legal status: public

Organisation type: Higher education and research organisations


Total budget: EUR 234 800.00

Partner’s programme co-financing: EUR 187 840.00

Partner’s programme co-financing rate: 80.00%

Partner contribution: EUR 46 960.00

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Regional Development Agency for Podravje - Maribor

Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Technicka univerzita v Kosiciach

Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences

Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe

Partners and Projects info
E-institute, Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions

Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe

Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (EN): Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe

Project acronym: MISSION CE CLIMATE

Project ID: CE0100019

Project start date: 2023-04-01

Project end date: 2026-03-31

Project status: ongoing

Relevant linked projects:

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Total budget/expenditure: EUR 2 125 466.87

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 1 700 373.49

Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 80.00%

Co-financing sources:

  • ERDF: Amount, EUR 1 700 373.49. Co-financing rate, 80.00%.

Investments, deliverables, policy contributions

(bullets are inserted automatically and may be incorrectly placed)


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Contribution to wider strategies and policies:

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Deliverable (other than infrastructural investment) areas:

  • Hrvatska (HR), Island of Brač

Programme Common Output Indicator:

  • RCO 116 - Jointly developed solutions, Measurement unit:
  • RCO 084 - Pilot actions developed jointly and implemented in projects, Measurement unit:
  • RCO 083 - Strategies and action plans jointly developed, Measurement unit:
  • RCO 087 - Organisations cooperating across borders, Measurement unit:

Delivered output indicator(s):

  • (RCO83) Strategies and action plans jointly developed: 0.0
  • (RCO87) Organisations cooperating across borders: 26.0
  • (RCO84) Pilot actions developed jointly and implemented in projects : 0.0
  • (RCO116) Jointly developed solutions: 0.0
  • (RCO116) Jointly developed solutions: 0.0
  • (RCO84) Pilot actions developed jointly and implemented in projects : 0.0

Programme Common Result Indicator:

  • RCR 084 - Organisations cooperating across borders after project completion, Measurement unit:
  • RCR 104 - Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations, Measurement unit:
  • RCR 079 - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations, Measurement unit:

Delivered result indicator(s):

  • (RCR79) Joint strategies and action plans taken up by organisations: 0.0
  • (RCR84) Organisations cooperating across borders after project completion: 0.0
  • (RCR104) Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations: 0.0
  • (RCR104) Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organisations: 0.0

Project part of European Union Macro-Regional or Sea Basin Strategy: EUSALP

EUSALP Priority (Policy) area / Horizontal action:

EUSALP Degree of compliance:

Project part of European Union Macro-Regional or Sea Basin Strategy: EUSDR

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2021 - 2027 Interreg VI-B Central Europe

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

100 / 100 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

1 038 / 1 039 (99.9%)

Notes on the data