Date of latest update: 2021-04-06


Description (EN): Read more

Partners (12)

Lead Partner: Regione del Veneto - Direzione Relazioni Internazionali

Address: Fondamenta S. Lucia, Cannaregio 23,, 30121 Venice, Italy

Legal status: n/a



Address: Piazza del Popolo, 1,, 48121 Ravenna, Italy

Legal status: n/a

Municipality of Corfu

Name: Municipality of Corfu

Address: Michail Theotoki Square ,, 49100 Corfù, Greece

Legal status: n/a

Obcina Piran - Pirano

Name: Obcina Piran - Pirano

Address: Tartinijev trg, 2,, 6330 Piran, Slovenia

Legal status: n/a

Grad Pula-Pola

Name: Grad Pula-Pola

Address: Forum 1,, 52100 Pula, Croatia

Legal status: n/a

Città di Venezia

Name: Città di Venezia

Department: European Policies Department

Address: Ca’ Farsetti, S. Marco, 30124 Venezia, Italy

Legal status: public


Municipalité de Kotor

Name: Municipalité de Kotor

Address: Stari grad, 317,, 85330 Kotor, Montenegro

Legal status: n/a

Universitè Ca' Foscari Venise - Département d'économie

Name: Universitè Ca' Foscari Venise - Département d'économie

Address: Dorsoduro, 3246,, 30123 Dorsoduro, Italy

Legal status: n/a

Regione Puglia - Area Politiche per laPromozione del Territorio, dei Saperi e dei Talenti

Name: Regione Puglia - Area Politiche per laPromozione del Territorio, dei Saperi e dei Talenti

Address: Via Gobetti, 26,, 70125 Bari, Italy

Legal status: n/a

Dhoma e Tregtise dhe Industrise Tirane

Name: Dhoma e Tregtise dhe Industrise Tirane

Address: Rruga Ludovik Shllaku, Pallati i Kultures, Kati III,, 1001 Tirana, Albania

Legal status: n/a

Drejtoria Rajonale e Kulturës Kombëtare Tiranë

Name: Drejtoria Rajonale e Kulturës Kombëtare Tiranë

Address: Street Naim Frasheri, 1,, AL 10-00 Tirana, Albania

Legal status: n/a

Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli

Name: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli

Address: Zagrebacka, 30,, 52100 Pula, Croatia

Legal status: n/a

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Regione del Veneto - Direzione Relazioni Internazionali

Adriatic fortresses and military areas

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia - Dipartimento di Economia

Adriatic fortresses and military areas

Partners and Projects info
Regione Puglia - Area Politiche per laPromozione del Territorio, dei Saperi e dei Talenti

Adriatic fortresses and military areas

Partners and Projects info
Dhoma e Tregtise dhe Industrise Tirane

Adriatic fortresses and military areas

Partners and Projects info
Drejtoria Rajonale e Kulturës Kombëtare Tiranë

Adriatic fortresses and military areas

Partners and Projects info
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula

Adriatic fortresses and military areas

Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (EN): Adriatic fortresses and military areas

Project acronym: Adrifort

Project start date: 2012-10-01

Project end date: 2015-03-31

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 2 285 752.00

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 1 942 889.00

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2007 - 2013 Adriatic IPA CBC (IT-SI-EL-HR-BA-ME-AL-RS)

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

65 / 65 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

628 / 628 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme