Date of latest update: 2024-03-25


Description (EN): Read more
Achievements (EN): Read more
Expected Results (EN): Read more
Expected Outputs (EN): Read more

Thematic information

Thematic Objective: Business and SME development

Partners (7)

Lead Partner: Communauté de communes du Sud Corse

Address: Immeuble Le Sphinx Rue Maréchal-Juin CS 945 20538 Porto-Vecchio, France

Legal status: n/a

Total budget: EUR 346 091.50

ENI budget: EUR 311 482.35


Name: Haliéus

Address: Via Giuseppe Antonio Guattani, 9, 00161 Rome, Italy

Legal status: n/a


Total budget: EUR 174 393.95

ENI budget: EUR 156 954.56

GBER schemes / de minimis:

وزارة الزراعة - Ministry of Agriculture

Name: وزارة الزراعة - Ministry of Agriculture

Department: Directorate of Rural Development and Natural Resources

Address: P.O.Box 961043, 2099 Amman, Jordan

Legal status: n/a


Total budget: EUR 515 092.65

ENI budget: EUR 463 583.39

GBER schemes / de minimis:

لجمعية التونسية لتنمية الصيد البحري التقليدي - Association Tunisienne pour le Developpement de la Pêche Artisanale

Name: لجمعية التونسية لتنمية الصيد البحري التقليدي - Association Tunisienne pour le Developpement de la Pêche Artisanale

Address: Institut Supérieur de Pêche et d'Aquaculture BP15 Errime, 7080 Menzel Jemil, Tunisia

Legal status: n/a


Total budget: EUR 254 189.20

ENI budget: EUR 228 770.28

المركز الفلسطيني للتنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية

Name: المركز الفلسطيني للتنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية

Address: Al-Balou, Al-Bireh, Palestine StreetRamallah, Palestine

Legal status: n/a


Total budget: EUR 390 849.60

ENI budget: EUR 351 764.64

Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes – Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari

Name: Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes – Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari

Address: Via Ceglie, 9 , 70010 Valenzano (BA), Italy

Legal status: n/a


Total budget: EUR 214 000.00

ENI budget: EUR 192 600.00

Legacoop Agroalimentare

Name: Legacoop Agroalimentare

Department: Dipartimento Pesca

Address: Via G.A. Guattani 9, 161 Rome, Italy

Legal status: n/a


Total budget: EUR 347 514.60

ENI budget: EUR 312 763.14

Partners map

Partners and Projects info
Federation of Municipalities of the South Corse

Fishery Mediterranean Network

Partners and Projects info
Partners and Projects info
Ministry of Agriculture

Fishery Mediterranean Network

Partners and Projects info
Association Tunisienne pour le Developpement de la Pêche Artisanale

Fishery Mediterranean Network

Partners and Projects info
Economic and Social Development Center of Palestine

Fishery Mediterranean Network

Partners and Projects info
International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies -Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari

Fishery Mediterranean Network

Partners and Projects info
Legacoop Agrofood, Fishery Department

Fishery Mediterranean Network

Lead partner marker

Lead partner

Project partner marker

Project partner


Project name (EN): Fishery Mediterranean Network

Project acronym: FISH MED NET

Project start date: 2019-09-01

Project end date: 2022-08-31

Project status: closed

Total budget/expenditure: EUR 2 242 131.50

Total EU funding (amount): EUR 2 017 918.35

Co-financing sources:

  • ENPI/ENI/NDICI: Amount, EUR 2 017 918.35.

Information regarding the data in on the programme financing this project

Financing programme

2014 - 2020 Mediterranean Sea Basin ENI CBC

Last month that data in was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme


No. of projects in / Total no. of projects (% of projects in

80 / 80 (100%)

No. of project partnerships in / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in

610 / 610 (100%)

Notes on the data

Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (, or a website directly linked from it, on 2024-02-28. Fields project name (from 3 projects) translated from French into English using the European Commission's eTranslation machine translation service.

The projects which fields include an eTranslation English text are the ones with the following acronyms: RESMYLE, OENOMED and RE-MED.