Hazardous industrial chemicals in the IED BREFs
Programme 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Baltic SeaDescription
Thematic information
Partners (5)
Lead Partner: Finnish Environment Institute, Finland
Address: Latokartanonkaari 11, 790 Helsinki, Finland
Legal status: n/a
- Instytut Ekologii Terenów Uprzemysłowionych
Name: Instytut Ekologii Terenów Uprzemysłowionych
Address: Kossutha 6, 40-844 Katowice, Poland
Legal status: public
Website: http://www.ietu.pl
Total budget: EUR 282 931.32
ERDF budget: EUR 240 491.62
- Umweltbundesamt
Name: Umweltbundesamt
Address: Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Rosslau, Germany
Legal status: public
Website: http://ww.uba.de
Total budget: EUR 587 523.16
ERDF budget: EUR 440 642.37
- Naturvårdsverket
Name: Naturvårdsverket
Department: Policy Development Department
Address: Valhallavägen 195, 10648 Stockholm, Sweden
Legal status: public
Website: http://www.naturvardsverket.se
Total budget: EUR 383 313.23
ERDF budget: EUR 287 484.92
- Eesti Keskkonnauuringute Keskus
Name: Eesti Keskkonnauuringute Keskus
Address: Marja 4d, 10617 Tallinn, Estonia
Legal status: public
Website: http://www.klab.ee/en/
Total budget: EUR 125 920.13
ERDF budget: EUR 107 032.11
Partners map
Lead partner
Project partner
Project acronym: HAZBREF
Project start date: 2017-10-01
Project end date: 2021-03-31
Project status:
closedTotal budget/expenditure: EUR 1 989 571.62
Total EU funding (amount): EUR 1 533 063.85
Total EU funding (co-financing rate): 77.10%
Co-financing sources:
- ERDF: Amount, EUR 1 533 063.85.
Documents on this project are listed below, and organised by category. Please note field "Data source", attached to each document. Keep.eu users are free to use these documents as long as they mention the data source and keep.eu.
- Reports
- Approaches for a better use of available data to prevent or reduce releases of substances of concern from industrial installations
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Approaches for a better use of available data to prevent or reduce releases of substances of concern from industrial installations - Annex 1 - Approaches to tackle substances of concern
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Approaches for a better use of available data to prevent or reduce releases of substances of concern from industrial installations - Annex 2 - Table of SVHCs and WFD PS identified for case sectors
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Approaches for a better use of available data to prevent or reduce releases of substances of concern from industrial installations - Annex 3 - Use descriptions in the ECHA Database
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Approaches for a better use of available data to prevent or reduce releases of substances of concern from industrial installations - Annex 4 - Identification of chemicals belonging to chemical classes used as textile auxiliaries
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Approaches for a better use of available data to prevent or reduce releases of substances of concern from industrial installations - Annex 5 - Fate of substances during emission treatment
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2019-10-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Approaches for a better use of available data to prevent or reduce releases of substances of concern from industrial installations - Annex 5/II - Substances - SimpleTreat effluent and properties
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Approaches for a better use of available data to prevent or reduce releases of substances of concern from industrial installations - Annex 6a - Interactive scheme
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-02-26
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Approaches for a better use of available data to prevent or reduce releases of substances of concern from industrial installations - Annex 6b - Interactive Scheme
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-04-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Strengthening chemicals management in Best Available Techniques Reference Documents
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Analysis of the interfaces, possible synergies or gaps between Industrial Emission Directive, REACH Regulation, Water Framework Directive, Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the POP Regulation concerning hazardous substances
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Report
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2020-08-07
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Websites / webtools / webforums / cooperative platforms
- Hazardous industrial chemicals in the IED BREFs - Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Website / webtool / webforum / cooperative platform
Data source: https://projects.interreg-baltic.eu/
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2019-09-30
Languages: en
Attachment link: https://interreg-baltic.eu/project/hazbref/
- Finnish Environment Institute _ Hazardous industrial chemicals in the IED BREFs (HAZBREF)
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Website / webtool / webforum / cooperative platform
Data source: https://interreg-baltic.eu/project/hazbref/
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2019-09-30
Languages: en
Attachment link: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
- Videos / films
- HAZBREF Project Manager Kaj Forsius
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2017-11-17
Languages: en
- Draft findings in the study “IED contribution to the circular economy
Attachment type: link
Type of document: Video / film
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2019-05-21
Languages: en
- Brochures / magazines / manuals
- Sectoral Guidance for Chemicals Management in the Textile Industry
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Sectoral Guidance for Chemicals Management in the Surface treatment of metals and plastics Industry
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Sectoral Guidance for Chemicals Management in the Chemical Industry with focus on the production of fertilisers and polymers
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Brochure / magazine / manual
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Media releases / articles
- NEWSLETTER December 2021
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- NEWSLETTER June 2021
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2021-06-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- NEWSLETTER August 2020
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2020-01-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- NEWSLETTER December 2019
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2019-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- NEWSLETTER July 2019
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2019-07-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- NEWSLETTER December 2018
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2018-12-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Media release / article
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2018-07-31
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
- Studies / surveys
- Proposal of BAT candidates for prevention and reduction of emissions from hazardous chemicals
Attachment type: file
Type of document: Study / survey
Data source: https://www.syke.fi/projects/hazbref
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Document date: 2020-09-30
Languages: en
Attachment file: Download
Information regarding the data in keep.eu on the programme financing this project
Financing programme
2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Baltic Sea
Last month that data in keep.eu was retrieved from the Programme's website or received from the Programme
No. of projects in keep.eu / Total no. of projects (% of projects in keep.eu)
200 / 200 (100%)
No. of project partnerships in keep.eu / Total no. of project partnerships (% of project partnerships in keep.eu)
2 025 / 2 025 (100%)
Notes on the data
Information provided by the Programme. Achievements were retrieved by Interact from the Programme website (http://www.interreg-baltic.eu/home.html), or a website directly linked from it, on 2021-11-30.
The financial data featured in keep.eu for this programme, it's projects and its partners is not exact and should be taken as a reference only.