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News from keep.eu


    If you surf to keep.eu today, you will find major changes. Not only the look changed, also many features were added. It is now much smoother for users to find information.

    We also worked on the database, hence we migrated our users’ email addresses. However, as we have no access to the passwords, don’t be surprised if keep.eu asks you to reset your password (this will not be the case for users who log in with their Interact account credentials).

    New features of keep.eu include, for instance:

    Document library with project outputs (e.g. reports, videos or web tools)
    New filters to find the exact set of projects (location, hard investment, private partners, start/end project year, among others)
    Possibility to search content by language
    Many new filters to look for potential project partners
    Much easier-to-get regional and national information
    We continue the work on making keep.eu as reliable and easy to use as possible. We appreciate all your ideas and experiences. To share your feedback with us, please use the contact form on the website.

    Last but not least, dear colleagues, enjoy the use of keep.eu and let your networks know about it as well. All support is appreciated!


    We are making quite a few improvements to the keep.eu website. We will let you know once we are done but, in the meantime, we will need to see what we will carry with the website to its next phase.

    If you have any personalised keep.eu reports that you wish to keep we will be happy to keep them. Should that be the case, simply reply to this email by the end of this month of February, and let us know the title of the report that you need to keep. You can then be sure it will be there the next time you log in.


    Pascal Boijmans, Head of Unit “Interreg, Cross-border Cooperation, Internal Borders” at DG Regio of European Commission, sees the power of keep.eu for many purposes. In his presentation at a transport event of cross-border regions in Brussles in November, he highlighted the power of keep.eu in building networks of similar projects, learning from the past experiences and designing better projects for the future. Boijmans uses keep.eu to find good examples of Interreg projects when promoting cooperation in his daily work.

    Keep.eu proves that Interreg is valuable
    Keep.eu becomes more and more used and recognised. In their recent publication Bruegl, a globally recognised economics-related think tank, came out with a regional analysis on the European level. Not only did the research use keep.eu as a tool for finding relevant data, the analysis also reveals that Interreg projects are in fact associated with higher economic growth in regions, compared to regions with little or no Interreg cooperation!

    Read the full article and how keep.eu was used in it by Bruegel here.


    Keep.eu is meant to improve the efficiency and quality of your work. Use it and send us the requests, comments and suggestions that will help us help you, we will be looking forward to reading from you.

    Enhanced statistics
    Keep.eu has a new Statistics area (here). Now users have access to aggregated figures within the scope, not only of programmes, projects and partners, but also of budgets. This new area covers Interreg, Interreg-IPA CBC and ENI CBC (IPA-IPA cross-border will come at a later stage).

    Besides featuring much more attractive charts than before, keep.eu now also offers charts on top of maps, charts showing trends, and others. All of these can be filtered to show the exact focus that the user needs.

    Each chart contains a detailed explanation of what is shown, as well as the cautions required to deal with the data that it portrays.

    Representativeness of keep.eu
    There is also a new area of keep.eu covering the site’s representativeness (here). This new area is directly accessible from the main menu (whereas before it was one tab of the previous Statistics area). The goal is to make the representativeness rate of keep.eu much clearer for the users.

    This area contains the number of projects and programmes of the sector, and shows how representative keep.eu is per programme type and per programming period.

    This is as good a time as any to mention that the number of featured 2014-2020 projects in keep.eu now corresponds to 73% of the overall sector in the same period.


    Reminder: Help us make keep.eu even better
    Thank you to all of those who already took part in a survey regarding keep.eu, within the framework of Interact’s impact evaluation. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity, you can still give us your views until 30 November 2018.

    The survey can be found here: http://bit.ly/keep_evaluation


    We would like to invite you to take part in a survey regarding keep.eu, within the framework of an impact evaluation for Interact (who manages keep.eu). It will only take a few minutes but will be invaluable for us.

    The survey can be found here: http://bit.ly/keep_evaluation

    The survey will remain open until 30 November, 2018.

    Thank you in advance!


    The new projects of the period 2014-2020 are currently being added to keep.eu. First programme to have its projects published was the Germany – Netherlands Programme.

    Keep.eu use examples

    Programme website with thematic links

    The Interreg South Baltic Programme is using links to KEEP on the programme website. The thematic sections of the programme website provide links to thematically relevant projects in keep.eu.

    Linking to country-specific keep.eu data

    The Smart Specialisation Platform of the European Commission uses links to country-specific data in keep.eu to show the territorial cooperation projects implemented in the different countries of Europe.
    Coming up next

    New keep.eu portal soon here

    The whole keep.eu portal is undergoing a more thorough renewal. The layout and features will be more streamlined and better to use.

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