News from

One of Interact’s fields of work is the promotion of networking and thematic capitalisation. recorded the first 2021-2027 Interreg project data.

We have recently added all 2021-2027 Interreg programmes to

We often face needs for financial information on Interreg projects…
It’s all about data!
Data is the main element of It needs to exist, be accurate, be easy to handle and it must be possessed in a way that the current laws require. Everything about is in one or the other way connected to data. In this newsletter we want to highlight a couple of facts related to the issue and show how the data can be used.
The only source of figures
in the world is the only source of reliable estimates regarding the amount of Interreg, Interreg-IPA cross-border and EN(P)I CBC projects per programming period. Every three months we verify the published amount of projects by each programme and sum them up to provide these figures.
They are all here, check them out!
and project data in by the new Kamut tool. The trainings were considered useful by both the participants and the team. By these encounters it is foreseen that the amount of 2014-2020 data in will increase notably.
Your List of Operations now directly from!
Did you know that the compulsory List of Operations that all programmes are to make available online can now be accessed directly from The Alpine Space and Danube Programmes have been the first to add a link to their websites allowing the visitor to get the most up to date data on financed projects directly from Keep in Excel format.
Let us know if you would like to have the link to your list made available.
Thematic search for programmes
A new feature recently added to Keep allows a search of 2014-2020 programmes according to the Thematic Objectives, Thematic Priorities and Common Output Indicators. As for programmes, the tool can be used e.g. for finding programmes with similar objectives and outputs to do benchmarking or other knowledge sharing.
Reports made easy
Many times reports are done over and over again using exactly the same format, with updated charts, tables and maps, besides some text. Having this in mind, has a function allowing users to save their reports and update them automatically.
Just log in to and click BUILD REPORTS to learn more! -
2018-05-24 used for promoting Interreg
The Interreg network on sustainable transport was prominently present at the TEN-T Days in Ljubljana at the end of April. At the network stand Keep was used to demonstrate the multitude of transport projects financed by Interreg. Letting people do their own searches resulted in many positive surprises when event participants noticed even their own projects to be available in the database.
Don’t forget to use Keep for promoting your programme and projects as part of a bigger picture!
Your user experience matters
The team is always interested in making Keep as user friendly as possible. While browsing in, don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts and ideas for further development by clicking on the contact button on the side of the page.
During April and May altogether 40 programmes were trained in six training sessions about how to manage their programme -
GDPR notification
We come to inform you that we will delete in the coming weeks all the personal data that retained from your registration, except your user name and e-mail address.
Indeed, with the user name and e-mail address you will have access to the same registration-only features of, just as before. You continue, as before, to be able to contact possible beneficiaries of your programme, or partners to your project, or yet to be contacted by these if you so wish. You will also continue to have access to the reporting tool that was made specifically for users to use elements, or resources, of, such as maps, charts and tables, that update automatically whenever new data is inserted into
We will keep your user name and e-mail address for as long as you remain a registered user of – in principle for as long as exists – or until you no longer want to be a registered user of You can unregister by e-mailing a request to unregister to Please allow some days for us to remove your e-mail address from the list of registered users. You will be informed once you have been unregistered.
In case you are mandated by your programme to edit data in, please inform us to from your registered e-mail address. We will always confirm your claim with the head or your Joint Secretariat or Managing Authority. Also, please inform us, to, when you are about to leave your programme or you will no longer be one of your programme’s mandated editor. Your clearances as a programme editor will be removed and so will any future connections between your e-mail address and the programme which data you could previously edit in Your clearances will also be removed if any of the other editors from your programme asks that we remove them. On either case you will remain a registered user, unless you ask us to unregister. Also in case of a clearance-cancellation, please allow for some days for it to become effective.